Feb 21, 2021Liked by Jason Heaton

I read SAS: Rogue Heroes based on your comments on TGN, it was a good read. My (ambitious) goal for 2021 is 21 books, with 10 or 11 being non-fiction. We'll see.... Thanks for the continued worthy content!

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I re-read a number of Cormac McCarthy novels during quarantine and absolutely loved them. Such a fantastic writer and his use of language is magnificent. I’m going to tackle a few Jim Harrison novels. I was recently in Michigan’s northern lower peninsula and the UP running bird dogs with my dad and the setting reminded me so much of his novels that it made me want to dig back into them. Great post!

P.S.- I love that Oris chronograph you’re wearing in the pic with your hat. I was fortunate enough to win an Oris Divers 65 as part of their Everyday Heroes giveaway and it’s an all around fantastic watch.

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I'm remiss in having never read Harrison. Maybe I'll correct that this winter.

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Thank you Jason for a light-hearted post about your summer. I am enjoying your readings and thank you and James for your tool watch guidance and pushing me in my trail running adventures.

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I find the Mick Herron books irresistible. Terrific writing, bitingly funny and cynical.

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Added SAS: Rogue Heroes to my list. Thank you. You might enjoy Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare: How Churchill's Secret Warriors Set Europe Ablaze and Gave Birth to Modern Black Ops if you haven't already read it. Touches on parts of the war I knew very little about.

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Thanks for the additional recommendation. I'll add it to my list.

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Oh man Fisherman’s Friends! A little cheesy but reminds me of home ;)

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So tempted by the Safarnie - but have far too many watches already, and for some reason I’ve always moved on my Seikos despite really enjoying wearing them. Probably because they are so good that they basically sell themselves!

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