You’re absolutely right about the simplicity of the old Rovers. As a high school student, I managed to weasel my way into a weekend apprenticeship of sorts at a local garage specializing in Rovers and Mercedes.

My first task was to completely dissemble the owner’s 1970 Series 2A Land Rover as a restoration project. I was given access to a set of wrenches, a few ratchet-and-socket sets, a couple screwdrivers, and a rubber mallet. I was 16 and dying to try my hand at all the power tools and blow torches and Snap-On goodies lying around, but my mentor was adamant that “the damn things were built using the exact same tools you have, so there’s no reason why you can’t take it apart the same way.”

Long story short, over the course of many a weekend, we took the thing apart using primarily those tools (plus the angle-grinder for the occasional bent or seized bolt head), and I learned more than I ever thought possible about tools, mechanics, and the mentality and patience required for a restoration project.

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great stuff!

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