Well spoken, sir.

And is that a vintage Nikon FE in that last shot?

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This was a great read. Thank you, Jason!

It’s fascinating to get a peek into the life of a watch journalist. The line of work seems glamorous at times but of course it comes with a long list of pros and cons just like any other career.

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You never did follow the path most traveled. Dad

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Another very insightful read

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The GP article, especially that lovely video still hold up well. And, I still dream of owning one of their little masterpieces. Danke.

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When most people start to travel they do it with a safety net, a guided trip or excursion. Most will not use those guided trips as a springboard to do more adventurous thing on their own. Then there are the ones who choose the the lack of safety net as an opportunity to see those things that are far flung, where the travel groups do go because it’s not a simulation of adventure, but is by it’s definition adventurous. Nice writing, stay lean and salty!

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Very very very good read. We are here for this, thank you! (danke)

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